Laxmangarh is a Tehsil in Sikar District of Rajasthan State, India. Laxmangarh Tehsil Head Quarters is Laxmangarh town . It belongs to Jaipur Division . It is located 29 KM towards North from District head quarters Sikar. 147 KM from State capital Jaipur towards South .
Laxmangarh is bounded by by Sikar Tehsil towards East , Fatehpur Tehsil towards North , Dhod Tehsil towards South , Piprali Tehsil towards East . Laxmangarh City , Harsawa City , Sikar City , Fatehpur City are the nearby Cities to Laxmangarh.
It is in the 360 m elevation(altitude) .
Sikar , Nawalgarh , Shekhawati , Mandawa , Tal Chhapar Sanctuary are the near by Important tourist destinations to see.
Demographics of Laxmangarh
Hindi is the Local Language here. Also People Speaks Rajasthani.
HOW TO REACH Lachhmangarh
By Rail
Laxmangarh Sk RailWay Station are the very nearby railway stations to Laxmangarh. How ever Jaipur Rail Way Station is major railway station 138 KM near to Laxmangarh
Laxmangarh Fort
The most imposing building in this town is its small fortress (owned by the Jhunjhunwala Family) which looms over the well laid out township on its west side. Laxman Singh, the Raja of Sikar,built the fort in the early 19th century after Kan Singh Saledhi besieged the prosperous town. The fort of Laxmangarh is a unique piece of fort architecture in the whole world because the structure is built upon scattered pieces of huge rocks.
The Laxmangarh Fort is private property - owned by a local businessmen and is closed to the public. You can however climb up the ramp to a temple which is open to the public, and the view from the ramp can be quite fascinating too. Of course, seeing the town from this height tempts you to go further higher, but a guard effectively keeps the public out.